Blogging in 2025: Goals To Drive Traffic & Grow Your Business
January is a great time for a bit of self-reflection and goal setting. And whilst I’m not exactly keen on doing the whole new year resolutions thing, I do think it’s massively beneficial to cast your mind forward and plan how you’ll be blogging in 2025.
Blogging is such an incredible tool for growing your business, but in order to make it work, you need to set clear actionable goals for yourself, and I’m going to help you do that.
Whether you’re new to blogging, you’re feeling a bit stuck with how to make your blog work for you, or you’re not getting the results from blogging that you’d hoped, I’ve got 5 blogging goals that will help drive traffic and grow your business in 2025. So, who’s with me? Are you ready to make blogging in 2025 work for you?
1. Commit To A Realistic Publishing Schedule
Let’s face it, when you’re running a business, the idea of adding yet another task to your never-ending to do list is not exactly filling you with joy. But the reality is, if you want to make your business stand out online, you’re going to have to commit to putting some time and effort into achieving this. I don’t want to be the bearer of bad news, but this really isn’t going to magically happen by itself!
Publishing blog posts on your website will help and the good news is this isn’t something you need to be doing every day, or even every week for that matter. Blogging in 2025 is all about being consistent whilst remaining realistic with the amount of time you can commit to doing it.
The best way to approach this is to start small. Aim to publish just one post a month to begin with and see how you get on. By consistently publishing useful content you will gradually build up a solid bank of blog posts that will attract more visitors to your site. And more visitors to your site means more eyes on you, your brand, your products, and your services.
Remember, some content is better than no content, but high quality content is better than vast quantities of low quality content. Which leads us nicely onto the next way we should be blogging in 2025.
2. Create High-Quality, Evergreen Content
There are two types of content you can share on your blog: topical content and evergreen content. Topical content covers news and information that’s relevant to a particular time or event. It may be highly searched for during a limited period, but once that time/event/news story has passed traffic numbers will fall significantly.
Evergreen content is content that remains relevant and therefore drives traffic to your site long after you publish it. You should be aiming to publish plenty of this type of content if you want to rank higher in search results. But what sort of content is classed as evergreen content?
A good place to start is by looking at the FAQs page on your website (if you have one). This already covers a lot of questions that your customers may ask before working with you or buying from you. But because it’s a static page of content that doesn’t regularly change, it’s highly unlikely this content will ever rank.
If, however, you were to take one of the questions, for example say you’re a dog groomer and your customers wanted to know which products you used on the dogs, you could create various posts such as, ‘Top 5 Dog Grooming Products For Dogs With Sensitive Skin/Long Hair/Matted Fur/Wiry Hair/Curly Hair’. That’s 5 blog post ideas and there are still plenty more you could cover on the subject. All of which answers the original question of what grooming products you use whilst also catering to specific requirements that dog owners will be searching for.
Make a list of as many questions as you can think of that your customers are likely to ask about you, your business, and the industry you’re in. Then plan to write 10-15 posts that answer the most common questions within your niche. Once you have a good number of posts on your site, people are more likely to stay on your website for longer as they will see the value in the content you are sharing and they will want to read more.
3. Repurpose Your Content
Here’s a great time-saving tip for you – repurpose content you already have! You’ve likely got valuable content floating around somewhere that you can use as the subject of your next blog post. It can be content you’ve shared on social media, content in your newsletter, or as mentioned above it can be info already on your website such as on an FAQ page.
Many of us share valuable content on social media every single day. And whilst it has its place, it’s worth remembering that social media posts don’t rank on search engines and they’re being shared on a platform that doesn’t even belong to you. On top of that, social media posts aren’t providing any long term value to your customers. Give it a few days and those posts will be lost in the social media black hole never to be found again.
Whereas blog posts form a library of resources for your readers on your own website. They can be searched for, indexed, tagged, and best of all when they’re all in one place your customers can easily flit between them and find the information they need.
Blogging in 2025 is all about getting smarter and more time efficient with your content, and by repurposing existing content you can save time and give your customers what they need.
4. Connect With Your Audience
One of the most important blogging strategies for 2025 is to form a deeper connection with your readers. When you first start writing blog posts there will be a certain degree of guesswork as to what content works best. However, with time you’ll be able to see which posts bring in the most traffic and which ones get people talking the most.
Using a tool, such as Google Analytics, which is free to anyone who has a Google account, you can keep track of how many people visit your blog posts. You’ll also be able to see how long they spend on a page, whether they move onto other pages on your site, and other key demographics that will help you formulate a more robust content strategy.
Likewise, if you share your blog posts on social media, you can see which ones spark a reaction among your followers. Make note of any posts that get a thumbs up, are shared, or that people leave comments on. This is what your audience want to see more of.
But most importantly, blogging in 2025 needs to be about creating a more personal connection with your readers. This can be achieved by sharing stories that are relatable, that show vulnerability, that reflect both the successes and failures of your business journey. People buy from people, and your blog is a chance to show the human side to your business whilst strengthening trust and loyalty within your audience.
5. Learn Some Basic SEO
For as long as I can remember, there have been rumours going round in blogging circles that SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) is dead. And whilst there’s no denying that with various Google updates, algorithm changes, and the development of AI, SEO is definitely a different beast than it used to be, it is still very much a key component for blogging in 2025.
SEO for blogs in 2025 is not going anywhere and in order to give your website the best chance of being found, I recommend that you educate yourself with the very basics at least. I get that it feels daunting, like learning a whole different language almost. I know, because I feel the same.
I’m going to let you in on a little secret… despite having a blog that earns me my entire income and that ranks at the top of Google for various keywords and phrases, I know only a mere percentage of SEO. But what’s important is, that what I do know is enough. I don’t need to know every single teeny tiny techy detail, I just need to know what I need to do to help my blog posts rank. And that’s all you need too.
For starters, think about what it is your customers would type into Google when doing a search – those right there are your keywords. Those are the words you want to try and get your blog posts to rank for, so that in future when they do a search, your website pops up on the first page.
I’ll be sharing more advice about SEO in future posts so keep an eye out, as honestly it’s not as scary as it first seems. And don’t worry about becoming a master of it or not seeing results straightaway. SEO is the long game, results don’t happen overnight, it takes time. But if you start including SEO in your posts from now on it will start making a difference and will help get your blog noticed by the right people.
Final Thoughts About Blogging In 2025
Learning how to write engaging blog content in 2025 will be what sets your website apart from the competition. Consistent, evergreen, repurpose, connect, learn – these are the 5 words you need to remember when blogging in 2025.
Discover More – Monetizing Your Blog In 2025
Author Bio
Bex Stafferton is a blogger who started off writing her blog The Art of Healthy Living as a hobby when she was a stay at home mum and caring for her two young children. The same blog now earns her a full time salary while working part time hours.
Bex is on a mission to help teach businesses how having a blog on their website is a valuable marketing tool. Helping to build a strong online presence, grow an engaged audience, and increase sales.
When she’s not blogging, Bex spends her time hiking up mountains, trail running, cuddling her two cockapoos, and volunteering at a local wildlife rescue centre.
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