close up of the corner of a laptop on a desk. an alarm clock is taking centre stage indicating there are time-saving blogging tips to help business owners stay consistent

5 Time-Saving Blogging Tips To Help Business Owners Stay Consistent

How often do you hear yourself muttering, ‘there just aren’t enough hours in the day’? If you’re anything like me, I’m sure it’s countless times. Which is why I wanted to share some time-saving blogging tips with you so that you can include blogging in your marketing strategy without feeling the extra burden on your time and your business.

If you’re interested in how to save time while blogging these 5 time-saving blogging tips will free up your time whilst implementing blogging as an important marketing strategy to improve the online visibility of your website.

So, what are you waiting for, let’s start saving you some time!

1. Create Content In Batches

Consistent blogging comes from being organised and getting ahead of the game, so I want you to channel your inner girl guide and ‘be prepared’.

One of the best time-saving blogging tips I can give you is to create your content in batches. Look at your schedule and set aside a specific time each week or month for planning and writing your blog posts. Because I can tell you first hand, that it’s way easier to produce content when you’re in that writing mindset, than when you’re trying to fit it in willy nilly among all the other stuff you’ve got going on.

It’s like when you turn on a tap in an old house – at first the water just trickles out, there may be a couple of bursts of water that make you jump and get you wet but give it some time and the water calms to a steady flow and runs with ease. Writing is exactly like the water from that tap. You’ll be hesitant at first, maybe get a few bursts of motivation, interspersed with some periods when you’re doing nothing and writers block kicks in, but if you keep at it the words will flow and you’ll become an absolute content machine in no time!

By focussing on one task at a time, in this instance writing content for your blog, you’ll be surprised how much more productive you are. When you’re prepared, you’ll no longer have to deal with the stress of last-minute writing, and you’ll notice that the content you’re now producing is of a much higher quality than the content you were producing before. All because you’ve approached it in a strategic way and blocked out some time to be fully invested in that one task.

Efficient content planning results in a blog that is regularly updated with well thought out content and saves you time in the process. Leaving you to concentrate on the main focus of your business and let your blog work its marketing magic for you.

close up of a female business owner writing down time-saving blogging tips to help her business grow online

2. Use Templates and Outlines

Next up in my list of time-saving blogging tips is the use of templates and outlines. Getting started can often be the biggest barrier when it comes to writing blog posts. However, there are certain things you can do and blogging productivity hacks you can implement that will save you heaps of time. Knowing that blogging isn’t going to completely take over your day and take you away from other areas of your business is sometimes all it takes for you to feel motivated and to help get you started.

It’s a good idea to follow a similar format whenever you write your blog posts. This helps readers to instantly recognise your posts and creates a familiarity. People love consistency!

The good news is that by sticking to the same format you’ll also help speed up the blog writing process.

Here are some speedy content creation tips:

  • Create Templates – Create a standard blog post template that sets up a structure for you to use each time. Include sections like introduction, headings, subheadings, and conclusion.
  • Brand Colours – Save your brand colours in your blog platform. If you use non-standard colours that require hex codes this will make it much quicker, as it means you won’t have to input the codes each time.
  • Upload Images – Get all your images uploaded to your blog platform in advance, that way you’ll have a whole library of images to choose from when you write your next blog posts. If you use free image sites to source images, download any that are relevant to your niche and get them uploaded and added to your library.
  • Save Outlines – If you’ve started writing an outline for a blog post, but not yet written it out in full, make sure you save it! Having a selection of outlines to dip into whenever you feel in the mood or are inspired to write about that particular topic will save you so much time in the long run. Outlines help to organise your thoughts and will result in you writing blog posts much quicker.

You can use templates and outlines to streamline the writing process, so that you don’t waste time figuring out what you’re going to write about and how you’re going to write it each time.

flatlay of brand colours and brand marketing to help with time-saving blogging tips

3. Use AI (In The Right Way!)

Number 3 of my time-saving blogging tips to help business owners stay consistent with their blogs is to use AI. AI (Artificial Intelligence) has rapidly become one of my most loved content marketing strategies. But, and this is a massive ginormous BUT of the biggest kind, it must be used in the right way.

Under no circumstances should you use AI, such as ChatGPT, to create an entire blog post for you. Search engines can spot it a mile off and your readers will notice something’s not quite right too. As advanced as the technology is, it cannot replicate human emotion and passion within the content it produces yet. And content that is lacking in warmth and ‘realness’ doesn’t connect with people in the same way as genuine human writing can. So, no matter how tempted you are, just don’t go there!

However, AI is great for generating content ideas, drafting, and editing. This can save you a lot of time and will help the blog writing process run a lot more smoothly and efficiently. The key to working successfully with AI is to ask it the right questions and make sure you tell it enough about your business and your ideal client for it to give the best responses.

The free version of ChatGPT is usually enough to start you off. Have a play around with it and start by asking it for a list of questions that people might search for within your niche. This should give you lots of blog post ideas to help inspire you, but if you’re still feeling a little lost, you can also ask it for suggested title ideas or for help on how to structure the blog post itself.

closed laption on desk next to a phone with chat gpt on the screen to show time saving blogging tips for business owners

4. Repurpose Your Content

The fourth of my time-saving blogging tips will show you how to repurpose your content and use work that you have already created.

When we think about some of the ways to blog consistently with a busy schedule, a good starting point is to look at your pre-existing content.

Content you already have could include:

  • Videos
  • Podcast interviews
  • User generated content, e.g. reviews or testimonials
  • Newsletters
  • Emails
  • Social media posts
  • Infographics
  • Old blog posts
  • Press coverage and press releases

If you have any of the above, and I’m sure you do, then you can repurpose that content into brand new shiny blog posts. All the hard work, i.e. coming up with ideas and doing the research, has already been done. You now just have to rewrite it so that you don’t have duplicate content, tweak the content so that it serves a purpose to your reader, and insert this new version into your blog template.

Repurposing content saves you time on research and ideation and allows you to maximise the value of the content that you have already created. Remember to update with new information and aim to position it in such a way that it answers a question, solves a problem, or is helpful to your audience.

open laptop on desk with notebook resting on the keyboard. Cop of coffee to the side. Showcasing time saving blogging tips for business owners to improve the visibility of their website

5. Schedule Your Posts

By following all of the time-saving blogging tips above you’ll be able to actively carve out time in your schedule for blogging. Which is great news for your business. Blogging consistently will start to improve the visibility of your business and get you found by the kind of people you want to find you. But there’s one other factor we need to consider in all of this. It’s all well and good getting systems in place, templates created, having libraries of content ready to go, but what about the actual publishing process?

Publishing blog posts takes time too. Admittedly not tonnes of time, after all once a post has been written and saved it really is only a question of hitting the publish button and hey presto the post is live on your site. But it’s still a task none the less, another thing to include on your to do list, when actually you can get this ticked off at the same time as bulk writing your content.

Create a free content calendar (check out HubSpot, ClickUp, or Trello) to help organise your posts and give you a visual reminder of what posts you’re publishing and when. Once you have a solid content calendar in place it’s then much easier to schedule your posts. Some blogging platforms, like WordPress, have integrated scheduling tools which publish posts automatically at set times. This ensures consistent posting of content without the need to manually publish each time.

Final Thoughts

None of us have enough hours in the day. There are always more jobs that need doing. And the to do list is never fully done. Which can feel massively overwhelming, right?

Blogging is one of those tasks that can easily fall down to the bottom of the do list and never actually get done. And we often use lack of time as an excuse as to why it never gets done. The thing is, if you’re serious about making it easier for people to find your business and your website online, then you’re going to have to make time for blogging.

These time-saving blogging tips will help you to achieve that without impacting on how much time you dedicate to other areas of your business.


For more time-saving blogging tips and for further help with your blog strategy please get in touch.

In the meantime, why not take a look at some of our other blog posts:

Guest Blogging: Is It The Secret To Growing Your Blog?

How To Attract More Blog Visitors And Boost Your Business Visibility

What Every New Blogger Needs For A Successful Blog

Author Bio

Bex Stafferton is a blogger who started off writing her blog The Art of Healthy Living as a hobby when she was a stay at home mum and caring for her two young children. The same blog now earns her a full time salary while working part time hours.

Bex is on a mission to help teach businesses how having a blog on their website is a valuable marketing tool. Helping to build a strong online presence, grow an engaged audience, and increase sales.

When she’s not blogging, Bex spends her time hiking up mountains, trail running, cuddling her two cockapoos, and volunteering at a local wildlife rescue centre.

Bex Stafferton, blog coach sitting at a table with a view of London in the background

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