lightbulb on a blackboard surrounded by a white chalk thought bubble. Showing the brainstorming process that will help you to generate endless blog post ideas

How To Generate Endless Blog Post Ideas For Your Business

When you’re staring at a blank screen, writing a blog post can seem like the hardest thing ever. In an ideal world you’d have a bank of blog post ideas that you could dip into whenever you needed. But if writing doesn’t come naturally to you or if you’re completely new to blogging, coming up with those blog post ideas in the first place isn’t always the easiest.

But it’s not as difficult as you might think. Not when you have the right strategies in place and you know exactly what, why, and how you should be writing your posts. And it’s so worth spending time on this. Because blogging is a powerful marketing tool you should be using in your business to help improve its online visibility, stay ahead of the competition, and to help build the trust of your audience.

Having a long list of blog post ideas at your disposal is the magic ingredient for consistent, engaging, quality content. I’m going to show you how to brainstorm blog topics and finesse your blog content strategy to make the process as easy and as enjoyable as possible.

Let’s do this!

Think Like Your Audience

In order to attract an audience to your blog you need to write blog posts that they’re likely to search for, that they’ll want to read, and that will grab their attention. So how can you do that? How on earth do you know what your audience wants to read?

Before you can even begin to figure out what your audience wants from you, you need to figure out who your audience is. Spend some time defining who your ideal customer is.

Some ideas to think about include:

  • How old they are
  • Where they live
  • What they do for a living
  • What they do for fun
  • Their living situation – are they married/single/ got kids/have pets
  • Where they shop
  • What social media they use

Once you know more about your audience, you’re in a much better position to work out what struggles they have, what questions they need answering, what problems they need solving, and their interests. And once you know all that, well that’s like a massive treasure trove of information that you can use to brainstorm blog post ideas. You’ll literally have blog post ideas for days!

Be Inspired By Your Competition

This isn’t me telling you to steal your competitors content ideas. There is literally no point in doing that, because if they’ve already written about something, especially if it’s ranking already, it’s going to make your job a whole lot harder. Plus, it just ain’t the done thing either. You wouldn’t want people stealing your content ideas, so neither should you. What you can do though is look for gaps in the content your competitors are sharing and put your own unique spin on it.

Doing a competitor blog analysis will help you identify trending blog topics and then allow you to come up with your own blog ideas based on your findings. Tools like Google search, BuzzSumo, and SEMrush will help you see which posts have been shared the most, which keywords your competitors are ranking for, and how popular the search terms are. Most of these offer free trials, or have limits to 3 searches a day, so it’s worth taking advantage of these as the paid options can get quite expensive.

Finding these content gaps is made much easier when you know who your ideal client is and what they’re searching for. So, doing that initial research is well worth it. By filling your website with as much comprehensive content as possible you position yourself as an expert in your field. And this along with trust and likeability will not only attract a bigger audience, but will also see them returning time and time again.

an open laptop and notebook on a wooden table with a coffee cup to the side. Showing how your competitors can be great inspiration for your own blog post ideas.

Turn Existing Content Into Other Blog Post Ideas

I’ve talked about the benefits of repurposing content in some of my other blog posts, but I really cannot go on about this enough. Your existing content is absolutely invaluable to you and contains endless blog post ideas that you can use time and time again.

You may have old blog posts on your website that you wrote ages ago, perhaps when you first set up a blog and wanted to make sure you had something on there. That content can be repurposed, either by updating the posts by giving them more optimised blog titles, updating the content, or you can use them as inspiration to come up with blog ideas related to the same theme.

As well as old blog posts, you can also repurpose content from the following:

  • Newsletters
  • Social media posts
  • Testimonials
  • Reviews
  • FAQs
  • Press releases
  • Videos
  • Podcasts
  • Presentations

Jot down a list of topics from any of the existing content you have from the list above and then repurpose this into how-to-guides, listicles, interviews with industry experts, or case studies. Just one topic can produce a whole heap of different blog post ideas and if you have content sat there already, well it’s made your job a whole lot easier.

Do Keyword Research For Targeted Blog Post Ideas

Finding out what your customers are searching for will help you to plan what content to write. You can do this by using keyword tools such as Google Keyword Planner, Ubersuggest, or SemRush. These platforms will help you to find trending searches which you can use to help you come up with keyword-based blog ideas. This will help drive traffic to your site and improve your website ranking.

Unfortunately, tools such as these don’t come cheap, however they do offer a certain number of free searches per day as well as free trials for a set amount of time (usually 7-14 days). I would personally recommend signing up for a free trial (making sure to set yourself a reminder to cancel your subscription to avoid payment being taken at the end of the free trial) and blocking out half a day to get all your keyword research done. This will give you lots of useful keywords and long-tail keywords that you can use as the foundation for your blog post ideas.

Keyword research tools will show you how many searches a particular keyword is getting and how easy or difficult it is to rank on the first page of Google for that keyword. Ideally you should be looking for keywords that have high search volume and low competition. Find those and you’re onto a winner.

notebook resting on a keyboard with SEO brainstorming ideas for opitmised blog post ideas

Use AI To Generate Blog Post Ideas

Artificial Intelligence (AI) isn’t going anywhere and as content creators we either have to learn to embrace it and use it to our advantage, or risk falling behind in our business and watch our competitors cash in.

Whilst I don’t advocate using AI, like ChatGPT, to write entire blog posts, I do think they hold massive value when used as content brainstorming tools. And the better you get at finetuning what you ask AI to do and by helping it learn everything there is to know about your business, your ideal client, and your end goal, the better the results.

When using AI to generate blog ideas make sure you are as clear as possible in what you’re asking it to do. Start by instructing it to brainstorm blog post ideas within your niche (I like to put a number on this, so for example recently I asked ChatGPT to come up with 100 suggested ideas – that should keep me going for a while!). You can then ask it to refine the titles it comes up with e.g. including a certain keyword, sticking to a set number of characters, adhering to a reader friendly blog title formula etc.

The beauty of AI is that it will come up with literally hundreds of blog posts ideas for you in just the click of a button – just think how much time that saves you! Save those ideas on your laptop, phone, notebook, wherever, and you’ll never have to worry about coming up with good content ideas ever again.

Engage With Your Community

How can you find out what your audience want from you?

You just need to ask them!

Your existing customers and social media followers are a wealth of knowledge, so make sure you tap into this. There’s a reason they started following you, but you need to make sure they stick around. And you can only do this if you know what they want or what they’re struggling with at the moment.

Ways of finding this out could be:

  • Using polls in your Facebook group
  • Hosting live Q&A sessions
  • Asking your email subscribers
  • Engaging with comments on your posts

Use feedback from this research to address common challenges that your audience face. Relate it to problems you’ve faced on your own journey and come up with engaging content ideas that connect you to your readers.

laptop screen showing lots of people on an online video call helping to come up with blog post ideas

Explore Trending Blog Post Ideas

If you’re struggling to come up with blog post ideas a good place to start is looking at what’s trending. Trending content is any content that’s relevant at that given time. So, for example, it could be related to seasonal holidays such as Christmas or Valentine’s Day, or it could be to do with something that’s happening in the news, or current trends within your industry.

You can use Google Trends to identify trending blog topics. Search through the ‘trending now’ topics to see if there is anything currently trending within your niche or that you could relate to your niche in some way. You can also use Pinterest in a similar way and search for topics and keywords within your subject area. Pinterest also release their ‘Pinterest Predicts’ report at the beginning of each year, which provides a forecast of the top trends they expect to see in the year ahead, based on the search data and engagement patterns of their users. 

Another way to find trending topics is by searching for popular hashtags on social media. TikTok and Instagram are particularly good for this. Even if you don’t use these platforms, it’s worth making an account purely for research purposes so that can find those newsworthy and trending topics for your blog posts.

Create Evergreen Content

Evergreen content is content that is permanently useful and forever searched for. So, unlike trending posts or posts about particular events or seasonal holidays that are time specific, evergreen content remains consistently useful to your readers.

The benefit of evergreen content over trending content is that it continually generates traffic long after you hit the publish button. Over time this will improve your search engine ranking and position you as an authoritative expert in your field.

Examples of evergreen blog post ideas include:

  • How To Start A Blog
  • The Best Free Tools to Help You Grow Your Blog
  • How to Turn Your Blog into a Full-Time Business
  • 5 Ways To Make Money From Your Blog
  • What Will Improve the Visibility Of My Website?

These are questions and search terms that people input into search engines time and time again. They provide common solutions to problems that a business owner who is thinking about starting a blog on their website might face. The more content like this that you have on your site the better. And again, it goes back to thinking about the needs of your audience.

woman writing in a notebook with a loptop in front of her and a coffee and phone to the side. She is in a cafe brainstorming blog post ideas for her website.

Final Thoughts

It can seem incredibly daunting when you first start thinking of blog post ideas. And even if the ideas are literally spilling out of your head, there may still be an uncertainty about whether those ideas are going to work and whether they’re going to attract and appeal to your audience.

Ideally you need a mix of different posts on your blog and it’s up to you to find out what works best for your business. Having a good balance between evergreen content, trending content, educational content, unique content, useful content, and engaging content will give you the greatest success with your blog.

Have a go at brainstorming your blog post ideas list today by using these tips to help guide you and watch as your business and audience start to grow.

For more blogging tips and other useful blogging advice join the BlogWell Facebook Group.

Author Bio

Bex Stafferton is a blogger who started off writing her blog The Art of Healthy Living as a hobby when she was a stay at home mum and caring for her two young children. The same blog now earns her a full time salary while working part time hours.

Bex is on a mission to help teach businesses how having a blog on their website is a valuable marketing tool. Helping to build a strong online presence, grow an engaged audience, and increase sales.

When she’s not blogging, Bex spends her time hiking up mountains, trail running, cuddling her two cockapoos, and volunteering at a local wildlife rescue centre.

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